The 8th annual Iranian soil science conference

Date of holding: March 2018

Venue: Shahid University Research Centers

The theme of the conference: “Research in soil science(achievements and expectations)”

about us

Considering the increasing importance of soil science in improving the condition of human societies and the role of scientific associations as non-governmental organizations and NGOs in the scientific and executive development of society, the Iranian Soil Science Association, with the aim of comprehensively introducing these sciences and improving their quality in educational fields, It is research and executive. The mission of this association is to try to expand soil science in theoretical and practical dimensions through publications and mass media, holding specialized and scientific conferences, educational workshops, etc. in line with the sustainable development of the country.

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Contact us

Secretariat address:

Alborz-Karaj-Central Sector-Tehran University of Agriculture and Natural Resources-Department of Soil Science and Engineering-Ground Floor-Iranian Soil Science Association


Contact number: 09912514952


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